Jay Hine

IT Director

As a Director of Optima Systems Ltd Jay is responsible for overseeing Sales and Marketing, Human Resources, Customer Relations and Account Management. In addition, Jay is responsible for the design, development, efficiency and smooth running of the IT Networks of our clients, as well as our own technical infrastructure.

Jay has been with Optima Systems for over 23 years and has expanded his knowledge of IT as systems and technology have developed. With the ever increasing use of IT Jay has ensured that clients are able match their business needs with technology. It is imperative that technology is a useful tool and not an expensive hindrance.

Before joining Optima Systems Jay was involved in setting up databases that could be accessed via dial-up technology. There was no internet at this time and the PCs used, by todays comparisons, were museum pieces. But having been there at the start of the technology boom Jay has developed a keen knowledge of how to get the best out of IT and not just be led by the latest fad.

Jay has built up a solid array of contacts covering most of the niche areas, so if he, or his team, can’t do it ‘he’ll know someone who can’.

Jay Hine - IT Director, Optima Systems

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