Had trouble viewing content in Chrome after the version 42 release?
As a developer I don’t always use chrome’s PepperFlash player. Today (16/04/2015) I came in to find that an application that was left in a perfectly working state simply wouldn’t load. It displayed the ‘To view this page ensure that Adobe Flash Player version x.x.x or greater is installed.’ message. Puzzled I checked the Chrome plugins only to find that my version of flash player had vanished and all that remained was PepperFlash which was disabled. As a quick fix I just re-enabled PepperFlash and voila the application loaded. There have been reports of similar plugin issues with Java, Silverlight, Unity, and other big name plugins.
The Quick Fix
This is not a long term solution however if you are someone who relies on flash player and other plugins to be working this could prove very helpful.
- Open up chrome and go to chrome://chrome and perform any updates to make sure we are not fixing something that will be overwritten in a minute or two;
- Navigate to chrome://plugins and inspect the disabled plugins. The one I was looking for was ‘Adobe Flash Player’. Hit enable on all of the plugins that you want;
- Restart your chrome and test, you can test your flash installation by checking the video at the top of this page: https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/
Hopefully this fixes any issues in the short term.